Front-end developer
Hello there! 👋 I'm Urvashi Saratkar, a passionate B.Tech student majoring in Information Technology at Rustamji Institute of Technology in Tekanpur. I thrive on challenges and have a keen interest in competitive programming and frontend development. As a curious individual, I find joy in exploring new things and technologies. Whether it's delving into the latest programming languages or experimenting with innovative design trends, I am always eager to expand my knowledge and skills. Currently, I am channeling my enthusiasm into personal projects that not only showcase my creativity but also serve as a platform for honing my skills.
Coding Profiles
I am a passionate Frontend Developer with love for Javascript and Reactjs and want to pave my path for Fullstack Development.
I am a C++ programmer. I believe in learning by doing. I got 13357 rank in kickstart 2021. I have got 4 star in Hackerarnk in c++.
I have a strong understanding of data structures. I secure 13357 rank in round A in Google Kick Start 2021 and also secure 4752 rank in Google Women CodeJam.
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