Front-end developer

Hii, I am Urvashi Saratkar
From India

About Me

Hello there! 👋 I'm Urvashi Saratkar, a passionate B.Tech student majoring in Information Technology at Rustamji Institute of Technology in Tekanpur. I thrive on challenges and have a keen interest in competitive programming and frontend development. As a curious individual, I find joy in exploring new things and technologies. Whether it's delving into the latest programming languages or experimenting with innovative design trends, I am always eager to expand my knowledge and skills. Currently, I am channeling my enthusiasm into personal projects that not only showcase my creativity but also serve as a platform for honing my skills.

  • Web Development
    Web development
  • C++
    Competitive programming
  • DSA
    Data Sttructure and Algorithm
  • January 2022 - Present
    Solved 500+ questions on different coding platforms.
  • September 2023 - October 2023
    Front-end Developer Intern at Codesoft.
  • January 2024 - Present
    Intern at CloudEQS.
  • Engineering from Information Technology
    Rustamji Institute of Technology (Tekanpur).
  • Math's Student
    Govt. Model Higher Secondary School (Gwalior).
  • Science Student
    Gyan Bharti Vidya Mandir School (Gwalior).

My Services

Web Development

I am a passionate Frontend Developer with love for Javascript and Reactjs and want to pave my path for Fullstack Development.


I am a C++ programmer. I believe in learning by doing. I got 13357 rank in kickstart 2021. I have got 4 star in Hackerarnk in c++.

Data Structure

I have a strong understanding of data structures. I secure 13357 rank in round A in Google Kick Start 2021 and also secure 4752 rank in Google Women CodeJam.

My Repositories

Some cool projects built using frontend technologies.


An Awesome Calculator build using HTML, CSS & JavaScript with light and dark mode feature.

Armstrong Number Checker

A web application to check whether a given number is an Armstrong number, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Image Fileration App

An interactive web application that allows users to apply various filters to images in real-time. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Digital Clock

A modern and stylish digital clock web application that return the time and some informations about the current day. Crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Animated Profile Card

A stylish, animated and customizable profile card created with HTML and CSS. Showcase your name, title, and a brief bio with style.

Temperature Converter

An interactive web application for converting temperatures between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Analog Clock

A stylish and functional analog clock web application created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Immerse yourself in the timeless elegance of the analog clock.

Amazon Clone

A simplified and responsive clone of the Amazon website, built with HTML, CSS. Explore the simplified Amazon clone.


A simple and functional stopwatch web application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Start, stop, and reset the stopwatch to measure time intervals.

Resume Creator

An interactive and user-friendly web application to create and customize professional resumes, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and most important you can download the created Resume.

React Counter App

The React Counter App provides a basic example of how to create a dynamic and interactive counter that allows users to increment and decrement a numeric value with the click of a button.

Billing System

It is an advance billing system designed to streamline the invoicing and payment processes. Empower your billing process, Built using Reactjs.

React Cart Hub

This is the shop application that is based on react. Here user can see the various products and can add it to the cart.

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